Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Early Orthodontic - What you should know!

You may not know this, but it is recommended that children receive an orthodontic evaluation by the age of seven! Most people tend to think of orthodontic treatment as something that occurs during adolescence or adulthood—and that is generally true! However, having an early orthodontic evaluation can be of great benefit. Early orthodontics—also called interceptive orthodontics—can be defined as proactive orthodontic treatment.

Adult teeth usually start to come in at the age of 6 or 7, and that is the perfect time for an orthodontist to evaluate the development of the teeth and bite. If there are going to be any orthodontic issues, it is usually obvious by this time. In many instances, early treatment can help to guide the growth of the jaw, eliminate the need for later tooth extraction and allow the permanent teeth to emerge in the proper position.

I’d like to share a great example that demonstrates the benefits of early orthodontic treatment: In the past, the common solution for overcrowded teeth was to simply extract teeth and then to align the remaining teeth properly with braces. While this is still necessary in some cases, interceptive orthodontics can sometimes eliminate the need for this kind of treatment. A palatal expander can be used to expand the child’s upper arch (the reason this works is because the child’s jaw is still growing), and this can allow the adult teeth the space they need to erupt in the proper positions.

As I said before, most children do not need this kind of interceptive treatment. But for those who can benefit from it, it can be a truly helpful option. The opportunity to potentially eliminate or simplify future orthodontic treatment should be considered, if at all possible.

If you have questions about early orthodontics, I encourage you to give us call or just ask me on here!

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