Sunday, September 12, 2010

Adult orthodontics

Did you know that adults make up as much as 15-30% of all orthodontic patients? Braces and other orthodontic treatments aren’t just for children and teenagers—more and more adults are seeking orthodontic care to correct a wide range of issues! Crowded teeth, gapped teeth, overbites, underbites and crossbites can all be corrected with orthodontics.

If your teeth or bite are misaligned, it can lead to a number of potential problems, including an increased risk for tooth decay, periodontal disease and even issues with the joints of the jaw. Correcting misalignments is an excellent way to improve your dental health and to achieve the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted!

There are many options for adult orthodontic treatment, including traditional metal braces (which are generally the fastest and most inexpensive treatment option), ceramic braces and virtually invisible, removable braces such as Invisalign. Your treatment will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

If you’re considering braces, I encourage you to schedule an orthodontic evaluation at your earliest convenience. I have many adult patients and I understand that choosing to get braces is a very big decision! I would love to assess your orthodontic needs, discuss your options with you and develop a treatment plan that will work for you.

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